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  • Speshletter #4 - Comic Con 🇱🇹

Speshletter #4 - Comic Con 🇱🇹

DID YOU KNOW ants can lift and carry more than 50x of their own weight?? Do you think other bugs look at ants as the bodybuilders of the bug world? Do ants have crazy muscular biceps? How much are gym memberships in the bug kingdom????

These are questions I’ll never know the answer to, unfortunately…

I think we all aspire to be like this lil dude…

Today, I’m feeling as strong as a million bodybuilding ants though. As some of you may be aware, there was a meritless lawsuit filed against me by some very rich & greedy people back in 2022. And just a few weeks ago… I won.

I want the conclusion of this lawsuit to be a really big win for all artists, creators, and dreamers alike. To anyone who’s ever poured their heart and soul into something they care so deeply about, I hope this landmark case can help protect all those special things that people have built. As much as you try to spread positivity and make people around you happy, there are some unfortunate situations where ill-intentioned people will try to take advantage of your success. I really hope that no one will ever be put in the same position I was in. But I did learn a very valuable lesson that I hope you can take away from it: love always wins in the end.


"I think the largest lesson for others is to just be very careful about who you let into your special kingdom, because you built it up, you're the one who made it so special,"

In much more lighthearted and fun news, my Shanghai show has now wrapped up! After 3 amazing months of it being open to the public, it has now come to a close. It’s been such an honor to be able to display my work all the way across the world. It’s so heartwarming to see people so far away taking photos with Spesh, and for them to be able to dive into my brain through my art. To be able to see my whole body of work all the way out in Shanghai is something I will always be grateful for, and has been one of the coolest experiences of my life. News about where the next show will land coming soon!

Another extremely exciting opportunity I have coming up EXTREMELY soon is that I will be in Lithuania! Comic Con Baltics invited me to have a booth in Lithuania and I am very excited to take part in it. I’ll be there from October 20th - 22nd, so if you’re from there or you’re planning on heading over for Comic Con Baltics then come over to my booth! I’ll be signing some swag, taking photos, and I’d love to chat and meet everybody who’ll be there. Along with some free stickers of course for anyone who wants to stop by the booth and say hi!

And finally… here’s this week’s Spesh Request drawing prompt from Josh Swanson! He requested I draw a cat playing soccer. I would love if some random TV channel did a World Cup for cats like they do for the Puppy Bowl. They could call it The Big Meow. Or like maybe… The Kitty Kickers? Wait that one sounds just terrible…

If you thought this Speshletter was packed, just wait till you see what’s next.

Oh, and don’t forget…

💕✨UR SPECIAL âś¨đź’•

With love,
Coolman (aka Danny Casale)

P.S. wanna be like Josh and get your very own Spesh Request? just reply to this email with something you’d like me to draw! i’ll feature it in the next newsletter along with your name 💕