Speshletter #5 - Dumb Dreams

My First Print Drop in 2 Years

“Dumb Dreams” - My First Print since 2021

It’s been a while – two years, actually, since I've released any art publicly. This past summer, my show "Dumb Dreams and Messy Hands” at K11 Shanghai marked a transformative chapter in my art career. 

One of the standout moments of the show was this wall, with a bright pink, repeating cat pattern. It spontaneously became a favorite photo spot, a place where fans of all ages came together, capturing moments and connecting with my art. Witnessing this interaction was incredibly special for me.

I've decided to turn this exact cat pattern into my first public print release.  It's an opportunity for all my fans to bring a piece of that experience into their homes. For the past 2 years, the only way to get an original print from me was on the secondary art market, where it was reselling for 10x the original $305 price. To me, that means it’s time to drop something fresh for you guys.

The public sale will be this Saturday 11/25/23. Keep an eye out on my Instagram @coolman for details, will also be sending out a newsletter reminder that day!

If you are a Coolman’s Universe holder, you will get early access at a discounted price today. Please keep an eye on the Coolman’s Universe discord or Twitter for more details.

From Hong Kong to Paris, Shanghai, Lithuania, New York, and everywhere in between… thank you for supporting me.